
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Brainstorm: A Year In Review

Have you noticed that opportunities often open up, when you are least expecting them? 

Since tomorrow evening  the Jewish New Year 5773 begins at sunset,  I am posting earlier than usual. It's customary at the beginning of a new year to reflect on the year that has just passed. So in the spirit of David Letterman, Time Magazine and of course the BBC I thought I would take you back to some of my earlier postings.

This time last year, September 2011, my children and I were completely consumed with Jonny's worsening  illness with no road map for recovery and writing was the last thing on my mind. Looking back I could never have predicted the silver linings in the universe and I had no idea that I would be blogging weekly with such an amazingly supportive audience.(that's YOU-thank you!)

In February 2012  I moved from posting about  Jonny's health on a site called Lotsahelpinghands, to taking the plunge into a whole new universe by launching  this blog, Brainstorm.

When I reread the first post I ever wrote on Brainstorm, I thought it might provide you with some  food for thought as many of us head into a new year full of unexpected opportunities.

Click on the link below to read my first post -A New Universe.

As is traditional I would like to wish you and your families a Shana Tovah U'metukah- a good and sweet year, free from pain of any kind.

With love and appreciation. 

Many thanks to you all for your support of  Brainstorm. Please help spread the blog readership by sharing this post or others to your face book page. It's very simple to do. Click on the F icon at the very bottom of this post, write a comment if you like and post the link. 
Thank you! 

 Please email me at or leave a comment on this post below. I'd love to have your feedback. 
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  1. Gilly -

    May you, Jonny, and the boys also have a sweet year - a year of health, happiness, new opportunities, freedom from pain - and, above all, a peaceful year.

    Bill Landau

    1. Bill -Thank you for all your blog support. I wish the same new year wishes for you and your family.
