
Monday, March 26, 2012

Among The Weeds (Reads)

I have been watching a tulip grow in our front garden, for days. Not an unusual occurrence in spring, I hear you say. What is unusual is where it is growing. I spotted it first about a week ago. Small stemmed with one tight bud, alone, under a window, surrounded by weeds
. It is in a place I have never planted bulbs or seen a tulip appear before. It is fuchsia pink, with a fine streak of yellow and it bends slightly  in the breeze, but is  growing straight up towards the light.

I have appointed this tulip mine and shown it to Jacob each time we have got into or out of the car. We have marveled at its tenacity and daily  growth and its ability to have outwitted the squirrels and chipmunks who have allegedly eaten all the bulbs I have  planted intentionally over the years. Jacob has humored me and tried not to roll his eyes each time I have extolled t
he unlikely virtues of my adopted tulip.

All week, as well as delighting in my  new bloom, I have been searching my house for  a book a friend lent me a while ago called Hope Will Find You by Naomi Levy. I searched every single bookcase in our office, pulled apart the pile of novels by my bed, sorted through the mess of papers on my desk and looked in other rooms where it could have been hiding. I knew I’d seen it. Read it even. But it was illusive.  I even dreamed about the title because I was so focused on this book’s whereabouts. It had a story in it that another friend had mentioned and I needed to read it urgently.
Product Details

Product DetailsProduct Details Yesterday I pulled out a pile of books from a bookshelf, which is just  above where I am sitting and typing now. I was sure I had checked there already, but there it was. Stuck behind Outwitting History and Jewish Spiritual Guidance – rather appropriate, I thought, since hope has so often been the backbone for survival and spiritual growth. I was thrilled to have it in my hands, to have solved the mystery and to be able to read it at last.

This morning as I came back from the carpool run, I stopped and looked at my tulip, its mouth opened up towards the sunshine, nestled in its unlikely home and thought, yes.......hope has found me..... in more ways than one.

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  1. Its a amazing the beauty of life, especially that of an underdog, can inspire.

  2. Very true Corey. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Very enjoyable entry!
    Lynn Morgan

  4. So beautiful, as usual!!

  5. Thanks for taking the time to comment Lynn and Nikki!

  6. beautiful! makes one notice and admire the basic, small, natural things in life!

  7. So true -and some of the smallest, natural things are the most inspiring. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment Eliav.

  8. Thank-you for reminding me that everything has a purpose!

  9. Yes - though sometimes it's hard to work out what that purpose is.
    Thanks for all your support Jessie and for leaving a comment.

  10. How really lovely Gilly....brings a smile and warm, fuzzy feeling! My love and warmest wishes to you; Jonny & boys for a joyous Chag Pesach sameach! (I have one orchid with one stem.....five or six years old...which bravely re-starts its annual struggle around now.....!)

    1. Thank you, Carmel! And the same to you and yours!xxxx
