
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Secret To Achieving More In The New Year


Have you wondered if this year, you have been running round in circles? 

Not really moving forward in your life metaphorically, spiritually, emotionally, professionally, academically, actually?

I ask myself these questions at the end of every year. They became particularly poignant during my husband's long illness and recovery. In this post I suggest a route forward.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

What makes a "good" kind of love?

I am on holiday this week with my family, but I wanted to share this wonderful piece of writing with you, for two reasons, as many of you gather with your family for the festive season. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Finding Inspiration in the Every Day - 7

It has been a long, life changing week here in the USA. Violence and evil crossed a line in Newtown CT, by killing many small children and their devoted teachers and school staff. We have been shaken to our core and now we are trying to find ways to move forward....

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Perspective On School Crises From the Wife of a Head Of School

In light of the horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut, it is hard to think about anything else. 
created by George Asencio

And yet at the same time there has already been so much written and spoken about the many tragic and burning issues surrounding it, I wondered if there was anything new to say.....

But then it occurred to me that there were some special people I did want to reflect on and they were the school staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

What Would You Do if You Knew You Could Not Fail?

This photo is mine. Please ask before copying
Well ........What WOULD you do if you knew you could not fail? 

Sometimes the challenges and changes we are faced with seem insurmountable. We want to do something new or change our lives in some way.

But we feel very small in the face of much larger egos, obstacles and organizations. These feelings of being unable to take on the giant, looming large, can stop us in our tracks, root us to the spot and paralyze our thinking and behavior.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finding Inspiration In The Every Day - 6

All photos are mine-please ask before using 
There are a lot of intangible things we wish for in our lives.
Peace                 are a few examples.

And these things become more prominent when we are faced with a life challenge that involves a loss.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Thoughtful Gifts Don't Always Have To Be Expensive.

As we said goodbyes to Thanksgiving, we said hello to good buys for Hanukah and Christmas.

Where ever you are in the world, (except perhaps on a desert island or at the top of Mount Everest), I think it is difficult to remain immune to the messages around us to buy big, buy now and buy more... Every kind of media has been hijacked by buying fever.